Saturday, May 24, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend.

Boy it has been a while since I have done this blog. My new years resolution was to blog every day.. yikes. sorry about

Well I am looking for a new job again..sigh.. what the heck right. The girl I was taking over for decided not to leave so I was let go..grrrrr!!! Well I still have athome and if I can get that up and going then maybe I wont need to get another job..that is a nice thought.. maybe I should be working on that. I had a show last night and what a great bunch of ladies..we had such a great time I made them all say one silly thing about thier hostess whom I have known for 20 years now and it was a great time.

SO a lot has been going on. We won tickets to see Blue Man Group from our local radio station which we just love because we win all the check them out at you can hear them from your computer! They also did a contest called 25 grand in the sand and you had to be the 5th caller when the sound came on and I won a shovel.. they gave away 105 of them. They buried everything at this local beach and they had 148 prizes in these little metal treasure chests. I found one right away and then spent the next hour and 50 minutes digging and digging and finding nothing else..grrr.. but it was great fun. I know the radio people pretty good and one whos name is gary kept coming over to my hole and "accedentally" filling it up again with his shoe sliding all the sand I just shoveled out of the hole back in. he did that to me about 3 times before I threatened bodily damage to it was a great time and I won a free pizza a month for a year..woo hoo.. good thing we like pizza!

We went to my Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Tom's house for Mothers day. We went to the movies and the girls, me, aunt bonnie and linda saw baby momma..which was really fun and uncle tom and zack saw iron man.. zack and I actually saw it the day before but it was so good that zack saw it again. then we went back to thier house and watched the End of Survivor. I was bummed that amanda didn't win.. but my luck isn't good this year I picked Ryan to win and stupid Adam won instead. Then on survivor I wanted Amanda to win and Parvity won.. then on american idiol I wanted David Archoletta to win.. although I liked cook also there was just a charm to archoletta. so there you have it.. no playing the odds for me this
So anyway. No big plans here for Memorial Day weekend. June is going to be crazy. One the 1st my friend Barb is having a going away party for our friend Gloria who is moving to Japan for her husbands work. Zack graduates from Jr. High on the 11th. I am in charge of our 20 year reunion for jr. high and that is on the 14th. My friend Carol's wedding reception is june 21st. and zack and I leave for Alaska on the 22nd for a week.. boy I am tired already just from reading all of
I will of course be posting know I am good for that anyway.
thanks for checkin in and seeing what my life is like for today and don't feel shy about leaving me a comment I would love to hear from you!

1 comment:

Whitlatch Family said...

Thanks for letting me know about your blog. I like seeing pictures of you and Zack and what is going on in your life. I am in the same boat with a job. Hope it is better for you.