Monday, January 10, 2011

A new year

Well Zack left for my dad's in Florida. Before he left he made my life pretty horrible, saying things like I hope you get cancer and die. I just don't get it. I spent his whole life loving him and doing everything and anything for him and he treats me like this. I know what you are about to say.. all teenagers hate their parents.. well you know what he can keep it to himself, I don't want to hear how much he hates me, then turn around and ask me to get something for him..that is just crazy.

I still haven't found a job. I am stressing big time. I don't know what else to do.. I am applying for everything and anything.. I just want to start working again. My friend is acting different towards me now that I am here.. I don't know why I haven't done anything to rock the boat but I haven't talked to her asking her what is wrong, I am afraid she will say I have to leave and then what will I do. It might all be in my head also.. who knows.

I went on a date last week with this guy Tim. I have been talking to him for about a month and we have similar personalities so that is fun. He has a pretty cool job and I want it he is a equipment assistant manager for a hockey team. I have also been talking to a couple of other men, Anthony and Andy. They both seem very nice, but I haven't gone out with either of them yet. I am just going to see where this all takes me. This is my year! I am going to change my life around and make it about me for this year, I don't know how well that will be or how long that will last but I want someone to be nice to me for once.. to want to do something for me, instead of me always being there for others. That might sound selfish and maybe it is but I revolve my world around other people and I just get nothing in return. So if I want to date 3 men and see who is the best one for me then I will. If I want a crazy job that I never would have applied for before, then I will. and if I want to go back to school to do something fun like make cupcakes for the rest of my life then I will!!

I started another blog about cooking but I haven't done anything with it yet. I am going to start tomorrow when I try to make sweet and sour chicken. the name for the blog is Teach me new tricks and you should be able to see it on my main page here.. feel free to comment and follow it! wouldn't it be fun to share recipes and cooking questions? I think maybe I am just a dork but I am going to give it a try anyway.

So my friend Stacie is going to take me to Florida for my birthday. I was so shocked when she told me, I can't wait. I hope Zack will be nice and we can have some fun or else we will just do stuff without him. This will be my first time in Florida.

I started writing this blog entry because I was feeling sorry for myself.. well not really sorry for myself just kind of lonely. No one is here in the house, and some of you might think that would be heaven.. well to a point it is but I like being around people. But anyway.. I started writing this entry because I was feeling down and now I am feeling better. I love this blog.. I am able to put all my problems out into the world for the world to solve. It feels really great

So hopefully tomorrow you will check out my other blog and see how my cooking I will post pictures and let you know how it tastes also along with recipe.

thanks always for listening.. you are my biggest motivator, my best friends, my cheering squad..thanks so much it means the world to me.


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