Friday, October 3, 2008

Such A Slacker ( I stole this from Maryanne :) )

ha ha.. this was a photo I just posted from high school.. come on.. I look cute in this outfit right!

so wow.. it has taken me 2 months to update my blog.. geesh.. that is terrible right? Well sorry about that.

I really haven't done much since then. My dad came and went and it didn't end well and we still aren't talking.. I feel this way about it. My dream was to meet my dad and get to know him. I fulfilled that dream and maybe that is enough.. I really learned what kind of person he is and not at all up to my standards.

Zack has started high school and is like a yo you in grades. The good news is that he is bringing them up and really trying to do better. He isn't use to homework.. thanks to all his other teachers thoughout his life not believing in homework..sigh.. but after the first few missed assignments he got it in his mind that he needs to do it.. well that and no xbox 360 or computer until the grades come I know.. I am so mean.

So.. I belong to myspace and facebook and for the most part I have neglected my myspace friends.. sorry about that. I really like facebook, and I love how you get all the notifications, so you can reply right away. and the bowling buddies is the best.. play with me will you.. well so I can kick your

I should have titled this blog ding dong the witch is dead but that was too mean.. plus slacker was a bit more to the I learned yesterday when I was at work that a certain coworker of mine who I don't get along with is transfering to a different store.. come on say it with me.. WOO HOO!!! it is margarita time! Now I know you all know me and are thinking.. what the heck.. Mindi likes everyone.. and you would be right.. that just goes to show how terrible this woman 46 year old grown woman treats me! but that is ok. I have a countdown going 4 more days of horror then back to sunshining days!

So on facebook I have been chatting with some really old friends.. not that they are old.. just that I haven't talked to them in a really long time. I must admit it feels like christmas time whenever I learn something new about someone I use to know. One of my very best friends from high school Charisma and I chatted most of the day yesterday and I am happy to say that her life is good now. It is such a great feeling because you always want your friends to be happy and healthy and sometimes that isn't always the truth.. I learned some things that saddened me from her about some other friends but I wont go into that because that is for them to work out.

I have been getting a kick out of peoples responses to some pictures I posted from high school on facebook.. it is so funny to see the way we dressed and the things we did.. can we say mullet anyone? ok those were fun times.. I loved growing up in the 80's and 90's. Have you ever had someone ask you "If you could go back and do high school all over again would you?" I have heard most people say no way.. not me.. I loved high school. It was one big social hour for me. I did ruin many a school dances for my dates because I don't dance.. not at all.. not even a little big.. well I do slow dance.. so unless it is all slow dancing.. you wont see me on the dance sorry about that boys. I have always been like that and most likely would never change.. what would I do if I ever got married.. well.. who knows. I do like doing the occasional macarana and electric slide.. maybe because everyone else is doing the same thing.. so maybe if I ever get married.. all my songs will be ymca, macarana, electric slide and cowboy joe or whatever that song is.. mixed in with lots of slow yeah right.. you are saying.. those of you who got married and hardly got to enjoy it because you had to make the rounds and take the million and a half photos with your friends and well that is all a part of it right.. so I wont complain.

geesh.. why am I talking about weddings.. and me getting married.. that is funny. it just popped into my head. As most of you know.. I don't date. I swear the man I am supose to be with for the rest of my life will knock on my door and tell me I am going to marry him.. it is all arranged and I have nothing to say about yes.. that is my dream man. I just have way too many problems dating. Now when I was younger.. geesh I always had a boyfriend.. maybe it was easier because there were so many boys in high school and college. I mean what else are you supose to do besides have a boyfriend and be happy in school Now everyone is married and with kids.. not that I am complaining.. I like kids... I have one of my own.. (if anyone wants to trade.. even for a week.. give me a call I will even send the xbox 360). But do I want more kids.. I mean have them myself. Lets just say that all days even no.. all days odd.. mainly because I had a terrible pregnancy and mainly because Zack is 14 and starting over with diapers, formula, daycare is kind of Would I do it again.. yes.. but don't make me think about it.

geesh there I go again talking babies and marriage. what day is is.. oh it is the 3rd so see.. I was right.. odd days I think about stuff like maybe I should only date on odd days.. then I might be more willing to see him just kidding! well

Dating I know I touched briefly on it.. it is hard for me. I think because I am comfortable being single. Being a single mom has never bothered me. Can you believe that.. maybe because I was always a single mom.. from the moment I found out I was pregnant and told Zacks dad and he left me. yeah..that is a different I am ok with it though.. it's not for him.. you know.. you can't make people be parents.. lord knows I it doesn't work. And I have standards for men who want to be a part of my life.. like he has to have a job, a car, and a place to live.. what I mean by that is not living at home with his parents.. come on guys.. if you are still living at home and not taking care of your dying parents then you are a moocher! ok.. now I am getting a bit riled No seriously.. a car right.. I am not a taxi driver nor am I a atm!

Ok that last paragraph should scare the guys away for at least another

So I am not really into baseball.. gasp right.. nor am I really into football.. but I suffer along with it because it is really really important to my family. so I try to follow along. you know what I wish the cubs did that the soxs do.. I wish they had fireworks. yep that is why I would go to a game.. to see the fireworks.. pretty sad huh.. well that and the Don't get me wrong I have my favorite sports.. like Hockey (Go Blackhawks) they are very promising this year.. woo hoo! and a new favorite of mine is the Chicago Shamrox.. they are professional lacross.. I love it.. it is more action then a hockey team.. and the things they can do to each other and get away with blows my mine.. I love going.. now if only I can find a jersey on ebay..geesh.. get with the program people.. I know they have only been in season 2 years but I don't want to pay full I wish I could get season tickets.. they are really cheap but because I work nights and weekends, that would be a waste. GO HAWKS AND SHAMROX!!

A little bit of info you probably didn't know about me. When I lived at maryville we got to go to the games a lot.. my home and a boys home really. The wertz family sponsered our home so we were really lucky. on thanksgiving and christmas we got to spend time with the hawks and their families.. I loved those times. that was when I became a fan. I got personal with the players.. I have lots of pictures from one of the nights.. I should post them sometime.

Holy cow.. I have typed a lot today.. I will save some for tomorrow! Yes I will try to be back on tomorrow.

here is something to leave you with. If you haven't already.. join facebook.. look me up and add me to your friends list. You will get a rush when you find those long lost friends and start talking to them again.. I promise you.. so do that for me.. join today!

See ya!
